Vehicle Interior Air Quality (VIAQ) is becoming the subject of increasing attention as new research reveals the detrimental hazards of air circulating inside of closed vehicles. From dashboards to plastic seat-paneling, vehicle components are often susceptible to releasing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) which pollute the VIAQ.

VOC emissions in cars include a large list of hazardous chemicals, such as: Formaldehyde, Benzene, Ethyl benzene, Styrene, Toluene, Xylene and Acetaldehyde to name a few. The short-term effects of VOC exposure include but are not limited to nausea, eye-irritation, a sore throat, dizziness, and headaches/migraines.

The prolonged adverse health effects of VOCs can amount to: Leukemia, Anemia, Reproductive failure/disorders, and many other serious diseases; furthermore, organic compounds are known to cause a variety of cancers in animals and humans.

  • The average American spends over 1.5 hours in a car per day.
  • Emissions of In-Vehicle VOCs includes several hazardous and potentially deadly substances.
  • In vehicles VOC concentrations can be up to 3 times higher than outdoor environments.

LEAP Technology is designed to fight VOC substances in an enclosed-vehicle space, without emitting any chemical pollutants. By avoiding the use of UV light, (unlike all other PCO filters) LEAP does not produce harmful ozone emissions. HEPA filters collect dangerous substances which can be (and often are) released into the air around us when their filter-mesh becomes saturated.

LEAP’s Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO) technology prevents this issue entirely due to the filter’s design. LEAP does not merely trap pollutants, it “vaporizes” and burns them on the surface of the filter, destroying any harmful properties they have.

Trademarked LEAP technology binds doped titanium TiO2 nanoparticles to an expertly engineered ceramic matrix to create this effect.

  1. A transparent filter allows for an increased illuminated surface, which enhances the photocatalytic process.
  2. Air-flow movement is maximized through a series of conductors and ventilators which allow for excellent airflow.
  3. Anodized aluminum was used as it is highly durable, while also refracting light; it was also chosen as it is 100% recyclable.
  4. There is a 0-sum maintenance cost, due to easy cleaning (just rinse under water) and compartmentalization of the filter.
  5. A grill has been placed at the intake- compartment of LEAP for the safety of the consumer and to stop dust and other small objects from falling directly into the filter.

The electronic hardware in LEAP is an experimental prototype. It goes without saying that the electronic- performance can be improved and industrialized. The current proposal for the electronics uses 12 V which given LED and fan performance could result in a step up to 18 V; this process consumes 2,3 Ah on average.

A 200 Ah battery is necessary at 12 V to produce correct performance and durability. The electronics take on a cleaning cycle of 30’ every 11 and a half hours.

RESULTS: When the purifier is put in a 1 m^3 stagnant and polluted room with a starting concentration of NOx, tests show a complete removal of pollutants from 100% to 0% in 18 minutes.

In Vehicle VOC’s is a major concern. For more details refer to Design HMI investigate paper by CLICKING

Atellani has a patented technology. BRID Air Purifier called L.E.A.P. (Led Enabled Advanced Photocatalysis) is covered by a number of patents and pending ones. This filtration system is an evolution of a powerful cleaning technology called Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO / Photocatalysis). BRID’s patented filter, permanently bound with doped nano Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), absorbs radiation from a precisely calibrated custom designed LED array and attacks pollutant molecules, breaking apart their chemical bonds and turning them into harmless substances, mostly H2O.

Pollutants get broken down and unlike advanced conventional filtration systems not merely trapped into mechanical filters like HEPA (Mostly Particulate) or active carbon (Effective for a very limited time). Their patented filtration system does not get saturated with harmful particles.

At the end of three months the filter can be washed and in addition to VOCs and Particulate, BRID is also extremely effective against Bacteria, Mold, Spores and more, effectively oxidizing the cellular membrane and rendering them harmless.

BRID PCO Air Purifier that uses visible extremely efficient LED visible light rather than outdated UV lights, which means that it consumes less energy and most importantly does not generate any ozone (which is the typical drawback of other photocatalytic purifiers).

BRID has been tested by a number of Certified Independent Labs and has been proven extremely effective against a vast array of pollutants, such as:

  • VOCs
  • NOx
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Bacteria (gram positive and gram negative)
  • Molds and fungi
  • Particulate matter

BRID PURIFIER powered by ATELLANO – For more information write to or go to …



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